Robert Crumb Sassy Unproduced Film-Concept Drawing Original Art (1999)
This fascinating, detailed character-model piece demonstrates
Underground Comix pioneer Crumb's recurring interest in seeing a movie
developed from one of his more significant characters -- which never
happened, not even with the conceptual attachment of filmmaker Terry
Zwigoff. Crumb harbors a fondness for the gigantic Yeti woman, Sassy
(short for Sasquatch), who bowed in a story called "Whiteman Meets
Bigfoot" (1971's Home Grown Funnies). This model sheet dates from more
than 20 years after the first stirrings of movie-biz interest (Crumb and
Zwigoff would collaborate on another film, the 1994 bio-picture Crumb).
The art, here, is in graphite on bond paper, with an image area of 8.5"
x 11". In Excellent condition!