Yow #1 Complete Double-Page Story "Pertinent Points about Pinheads" Original Art
Bill Griffith (as William Henry Jackson Griffith) Yow #1 Complete
Double-Page Story "Pertinent Points about Pinheads" Original Art in 1
Piece (Last Gasp Publ., 1977-78).
Griffith places his signature character, Zippy the Pinhead, in a deep historical context with this study of the origins of the human species known as microcephalics (pinheads, that is). Affectionately written, the composition flashes back to the 19th century sideshow character known as "Zip, the What-Is-It? from Borneo"; to a royal legend of the 13th century; and to various commercial products bearing the name of Zippy. Turns out that the artist's christened name, William Henry Jackson Griffith, matches the birth-name of P.T. Barnum's original carnival attraction, Zip. Griffith caricatures himself in two panels. Drawn in ink onto a single slab of Bristol board, the horizontal piece ran as a two-page spread in Yow, a classic title from the Underground Comix scene. Dimensions, 23" x 14.5". Light toning, with minor handling wear at the edges; otherwise in Excellent condition.